750/0.25 W 1%

750/0.25 W 1%

in stoc
0,30 lei
Cu TVA ca. 24 - 48 de ore

Cantitate Pret unitar
10 0.21 lei
50 0.15 lei
100 0.12 lei
1000 0.09 lei
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Resistor 0207 0,25W 1% 750R Taped

• Excellent stability
• Weather resistant glazing

Technical Specifications

• Resistance Tolerance
     - <1R: ±5%
     - >= 1R: ±1%
• Power Rating (70°C): 0,25W
• Power Rating (125°C): 0,1W
• Working Voltage (AC/DC Max., 70°C): 250V
• Hold-Off Voltage, Short Time (70°C): 500V
• Insulation Resistance, Min.: 10^13 Ohm
• Failure Rate, Max.: 10-8/h
• Temperature Coefficient: TK50
• Temperature Range: -65...+155°C

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