Arduino Starter KIT - 15 proiecte si componentele necesare pentru initierea in electronica si robotica.
Starter Kit Arduino este un instrument ideal prentru a invata notiuni de baza despre electronica si a realiza proiecte creative. Contine o selectie a celor mai comune si utile componentele electronice si o gama de 15 proiecte cu diferite grade de complexitate.
- 01 GET TO KNOW YOUR TOOLS: an introduction to the concepts you'll need to use this kit
- 02 SPACESHIP INTERFACE: design the control panel for your starship
- 03 LOVE-O-METER: measure how hot-blooded you are
- 04 COLOUR MIXING LAMP: produce any colour with a lamp that uses light as an input
- 05 MOOD CUE: clue people in to how you're doing
- 06 LIGHT THEREMIN: create a musical instrument you play by waving your hands
- 07 KEYBOARD INSTRUMENT: play music and make some noise with this keyboard
- 08 DIGITAL HOURGLASS: a light-up hourglass that can stop you from working too much
- 09 MOTORIZED PINWHEEL: a coloured wheel that will make your head spin
- 10 ZOETROPE: create a mechanical animation you can play forward or backward
- 11 CRYSTAL BALL: a mystical tour to answer all your tough questions
- 12 KNOCK LOCK: tap out the secret code to open the door
- 13 TOUCHY-FEEL LAMP: a lamp that responds to your touch
- 14 TWEAK THE ARDUINO LOGO: control your personal computer from your Arduino
- 15 HACKING BUTTONS: create a master control for all your devices!
Kit-ul include urmatoarele:
• 1 x Carte cu proiecte Arduino (170 pag.)
• 1 x Arduino UNO rev.3
• 1 x cablu USB
• 1 x breadboard
• 1 x baza de lemn
• 1 x soclu baterie 9 V
• 70 x cablu dur (jumperi)
• 2 x cablu flexibil
• 6 x foto-rezistenta
• 3 x trimmer 10 kohm
• 10 x push buton
• 1 x senzor temperatura
• 1 x senzor inclinare
• 1 x LCD (16x2i)
• 1 x LED (alb)
• 1 x LED (RGB)
• 8 x LED (rosu)
• 8 x LED (verde)
• 8 x LED (galben)
• 3 x LED (albastru)
• 1 x Motor CC 6/9 V
• 1 x servomotor
• 1 x piezo
• 1 x H bridge
• 2 x photocoupler
• 5 x BC547
• 2 x IRF520
• 5 x condensator 100 nF
• 3 x condensator 100 µF
• 5 x condensator 100 pF
• 5 x dioda 1N4007
• 3 x transparent jelly (red, green, blue)
• 1 x male strip connector (40x1)
• 20 x rezistenta 220 ohm
• 5 x rezistenta 560 ohm
• 5 x rezistenta 1 kohm
• 5 x rezistenta 4.7 kohm
• 10 x rezistenta 10 kohm
• 5 x rezistenta 1 Mohm
• 5 x rezistenta 10 Mohm